When: 11th May 2022 at 2 pm UK/GMT time
Duration: 45 minutes What's you will learn: Discover how to achieve more for you and your business using the proven 6 core elements to success. |
A much-better method of achieving desired results
Entrepreneur and author of Setting Goals that get Results, Darren Hignett will explain why traditional goal-setting isn't effective, and how you can create goals and targets that you:
Darren uses proven concepts based on years of experience and an understanding of human psychology to make success easier and more desirable.
Find out how to achieve more in this webinar on setting goals.
- Are passionate about and want to do
- Can stay focused and motivated on
- Know are the most effective goals and targets for achieving success
Darren uses proven concepts based on years of experience and an understanding of human psychology to make success easier and more desirable.
Find out how to achieve more in this webinar on setting goals.
Groundbreaking concepts that are proven to achieve results
In this webinar, Darren Hignett will introduce elements such as the 10-week goal-setting cycle, micro-tasks and micro-starts including why these elements work - and how you can use it to hit your targets.
He will also discuss the importance of having clarity in what you want to achieve and how to reduce overhwhelm and distractions so that you can stay excited, motivated and focused on what you want to achieve.
Whether you set goals regularly or find them too scary or challenging to attempt, this webinar will give you some valuable insights into how to achieve more of what you want to through goal-setting.
Start achieving more with this FREE webinar.
Book your place now as spaces are limited.
He will also discuss the importance of having clarity in what you want to achieve and how to reduce overhwhelm and distractions so that you can stay excited, motivated and focused on what you want to achieve.
Whether you set goals regularly or find them too scary or challenging to attempt, this webinar will give you some valuable insights into how to achieve more of what you want to through goal-setting.
Start achieving more with this FREE webinar.
Book your place now as spaces are limited.
This webinar is free to attend and your email address is required to send joining instructions. We value your privacy and will only use your data for the purposes of this webinar. You can unsubscribe at any time.